Do you just love animals? Don't have money to buy one or to raise it? You can actually spend time with your favorite kind of animal while receiving cash through pet sitting and dog walking. Many people have multiple pets but are too busy to give them the care and attention that they need. During the holidays, many owners travel to visit their families, and will need someone to look after their furbabies while away.

Le Québec vient de franchir le cap du million de chiens. À cela s'ajoutent plus de 1,5 million de chats. Plus nombreux que jamais, ils occupent aussi une place plus importante qu'avant dans le cœur des familles.

Pawshake brings together the best of both worlds: animal lovers can offer their services as pet sitters, and pet owners can enjoy their vacation without worrying about their pet. And most importantly, your pet doesn't have to spend their holiday in a cage or kennel, but will be loved in a family environment.

Similar to other businesses thriving on a sharing economy, like Uber and Airbnb, the company relies on customer reviews to aid in the verification and vetting of service providers. The system offers tremendous flexibility and cost savings to owners, but they are also strongly encouraged to take a proactive approach in ensuring the quality of the sitters by writing reviews of their experiences.

Rent your dog. Yes, your dog. Well, technically you're paying for someone to rent your dog, but still. Pawshake gives you the option to have someone look after your dog or pet while you're away, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of pet ownership for a bit while you make sure your puppy is taken care of.

Dunedinites are increasingly going online to search for babysitters for their furry friends and Pawshake, a new app which aids the process, is starting to take off.

Pawshake est la nouvelle tendance, originaire de Belgique, qui propose de réserver en ligne une personne de confiance pour garder votre animal de compagnie. Les vacances de Noël approchent, tout est en règle pour le départ.

Deux anciens belges d'eBay viennent de lancer un site qui met en contact les propriétaires d'animaux et les personnes prêtes à les accueillir lors des vacances.

Sur le nouveau site web, les propriétaires d'animaux domestiques peuvent louer les services d'amis des bêtes qui se proposent pour surveiller leurs bestioles préférées.

Rien de tel que la balade du chien ou une bêtise du chat pour mettre les gens en contact. Mais faute d'ami ou de voisin complaisant, internet est une bonne piste pour trouver un "petsitter".

In België zijn er meer huisdieren dan kinderen en is de huisdier business goed voor 1 miljard euro per jaar.

Dries Coucke (37) en Tanguy Peers (43), beiden vroeger actief bij eBay België, hebben eind 2013 Pawshake gelanceerd, een onlineplatform om voor korte en langere periodes goede oppassers te vinden voor huisdieren.

Deze "Airbnb" voor dieren heeft een mooie toekomst in het verschiet en zou snel moeten groeien.

Onze vrijwilligers zijn vooral mensen die een jarenlange ervaring als baasje hebben, en een groot hart voor dieren.

De website moet baasjes met een babysitprobleem en kandidaat-oppassers met elkaar in contact brengen.

Met de nieuwe website kunnen baasjes van huisdieren tijdelijke opvang vinden voor Fikkie of Minou. De site, een creatie van twee ex-directeurs bij de Belgische vestiging van eBay, draait op een landelijke gemeenschap van 'petsitters', die vooraf door het bedrijf werden gescreend.

8 op de 10 baasjes heeft soms moeite een dierenoppas te vinden. Ex-eBayers Dries Coucke en Tanguy Peers brengen met baasjes en dierenoppassers samen.

Veel honden zijn doodsbang van vuurwerk. Een oppas vinden voor je huisdier kan vooral tijdens de eindejaarsperiode moeilijk zijn.

AirTree Ventures has made pet-sitting marketplace Pawshake the first startup to receive investment from its latest fund.

It's clear to see Brits value their pets as special members of their family. At Pawshake we have seen that pet-ernity leave is an emerging trend which we have attributed to pets becoming more and more human and important members of the family.

We explore how the collaborative economy is fostering a community through the sharing of items and services. Join Henry Golding as he tries out some of these sharing platforms from Korea and Singapore.

Savner du en bedste ven, der ikke siger dig imod, som nusser dig på halsen når du mindst venter det, som bare vil du det du vil, som er utrolig let at gøre glad, og som er nogens dyrbareste?

Voi niitä aikoja, kun koiranhoitajia ja hoitokoiria etsittiin lähikaupan ilmoitustaululle jätetyillä lapuilla. Minäkin muistan ulkoiluttaneeni säännöllisesti erästä kultaistanoutajaa, jonka emäntä sekä isäntä olivat kiireisiä lasten ja töiden takia.

Pawshake is een online platform dat baasjes in contact brengt met duizenden betrouwbare petsitters in de buurt.

Labor says it's prepared to embrace new "sharing economy" applications

Airbnb is a popular site for people wanting to find holiday lodging, but what about Airbnb for your pet? Well a new website which allows you to find a pet sitter for your furry friend is pretty much just that.

Milioni di italiani stanno per partire in vacanza e molti altri non lo faranno perché non saprebbero a chi affidare il proprio animale. Per fare incontrare padroni e pet sitters è nato (letteralmente 'Stringiamoci la zampa') il sito che consente di selezionare il miglior amante degli animali cui affidare il proprio gatto, cane o altro amico con due o quattro zampe.

The UK is such a country of animal lovers that we would considering cancelling a holiday for our pets. Our pets are so integral to family life that an astonishing 82 per of pet owners admit they have gone as far as considering cancelling their holidays having failed to find a reliable option for their cuddly companion.

A comprehensive guide for dog owners in Singapore. Your fur-kid deserves nothing but the best!

These 5 part-time job ideas that willallow you to have some fun while making money at the same time!

New research claims more than £3 billion is spent on care for pets while owners are on holiday.

Die lange Flugreise oder ein Familienfest: Nicht immer kann der Hund die Familie begleiten. Damit Herrchen nicht aufs Reisen verzichten muss, gibt es neben Hundehotels auch immer mehr Online-Vermittlungen für Tiersitter.

Pet lovers, rejoice! Because now you can go on holiday knowing your furry friend is in safe hands thanks to recently launched app, Pawshake.

Surge in caravan holidays may just be attributed to our furry, four-legged friends. As if we needed any more reasons to hit the great outdoors in our trusty caravans as opposed to hopping on a plane abroad, a new survey has revealed that the holiday season can actually be more stressful than exciting for 46 per cent of households that own pets in the UK.

Animals play an important role in many people's lives and are often valued companions. Having a pet can certainly positively affect the quality of our lives, but is their companionship beneficial to our health?

De nieuwe dienst is een groot succes en is ook bij beleggers goed gevallen. Twee ondernemers, Dries Coucke en Tanguy Peers, richtten de oppascentrale vorig jaar op. Via de website kunnen huisdiereigenaars opvang regelen voor hun kat of hond.

Pawshake est dédié aux animaux de compagnie. Il met en relation des propriétaires de chiens et des gardiens professionnels et amateurs. Pawshake propose le contact, l'assurance de la qualité des gardiens et une assurance couvrant le gardien et l'animal gardé.

Although there are pet hotels, some pet owners prefer to have their pets cared for in their own homes by a pet-sitter

How animal lovers can make some extra cash with a little help from their pets. Pets take their toll on a household income, but here are some ways to make money from them

"There is little awareness but it's an emerging trend," said Mr Peers. "People get emotionally attached to their pets, not just dogs or cats but also rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs"

Pets are an important part of many families, bringing much joy and unconditional love. If you are thinking about getting a new pet, with it comes responsibilities - and one of the things you will need to think about is pet proofing your home to make it a safe and secure environment.

Nine out of 10 Australian pet owners have cancelled or postponed a holiday because they can't get appropriate care for their furry friend, a new survey has found. And dislike of sending the favourite pooch to a kennel has opened the door for an Airbnb-style website to connect owners with sitters.

Pawshake connects dog devotees and cat companions with local pet carers who look after animals for as little as $10 per visit.

Brownie va passer sa première nuit loin de chez lui. Ce teckel restera trois jours chez Marion, dans sa maison d'accueil.La rencontre entre la propriétaire et sa gardienne s'est réalisée grâce à l'application "Pawshake"

Pawshake est une solution incontournable pour dénicher une solution de garde avant de partir en voyage.

A survey by Pawshake, shows 38 per cent of pet owners Skype furry family members while on holidays and nine out of 10 people say they'd postpone, or cancel, a holiday, if they couldn't find a trusted sitter.

Digital technology has revolutionized, streamlined and enhanced just about every area of our lives. And now it's time to do the same for our pets' lives.

The Pawshake app allows pet owners to upload and share photos of their furry friend and to keep in touch with the petsitter while they're away.

Pawshake is the 'Airbnb for pet sitting' according to co-founder Tanguy Peers, who told BIT that most of the sitters on the platform earn up to $1000 a month.

If you have ever resorted to Skyping your pet, don't worry, you are not alone. About 96% of Australians miss their furry friends while they are away so much that almost 40% resort to a Skype conversation.

Jusqu'à présent, Enéa pouvait compter sur ses deux colocataires. Mais depuis qu'elle habite seule, elle hésite à s'absenter de son domicile pour ne pas laisser Oréo, son chat, tout seul.

Oppas voor je hond nodig? Dan is Pawshake hét adres!

Les vacances c'est bien, mais que faire de vos animaux ? Pas envie de les mettre en chenils ? L'appli Pawshake vous propose un tout autre service qui va vous changer la vie et vous faire partir en vacances confiants !

WOLLONGBAR pet owners Deb Byron and husband Phil Steer encountered the same dilemma most pet owners experience when going away - what to do with the pets. After searching for options locally and online with no success, their daughter came across the online service, which is like an Airbnb for pets.

Sometimes, it seems like Singaporeans are all doing the same few boring jobs in banking, finance, insurance and the civil service. As for students working part-time everyone's either giving tuition or in F&B.

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