5 ways your cat displays affection

Author picture Pawshake  - updated: 18/02/2019

We love cats for their personalities, which can sometimes be quirky, introverted and a little headstrong. Felines are naturally solitary creatures (unlike dogs, which prefer to live and hunt in a pack). You can see evidence of this in your cat's behaviour: for example, your cat is likely to be very focused on their environment, and not always on the humans in the household. There is, of course, the classic example of a cat going missing, only to be found back at the old house. Cats really like to stay in their familiar territory, which is worth bearing in mind when you go away on holiday. Rather than moving your cat away from their comfort zone, an in-home cat sitter is best suited to your feline's needs!

In the meantime, you can build a close, bonded relationship with your cat (or the cats in your care if you are a cat sitter). Cats are super sensitive and intuitive and can detect your state of mind very well. Cats also communicate with you throughout the day: with body language, meowing and other behaviours. Keep your eyes peeled for the following behaviours, as this is your cat showing you how crazy they are about you:

1) Sitting comfortably with you

Ever noticed that cats always seem to sit with that one person who isn't a cat-person? This is because cats are sensitive and like to sit with a relaxed person who won't fuss over them. Turns out, that's often the person who doesn't want anything from them, and allows them to just be a cat. And if your cat likes to sit with you, or falls asleep near you, that is a sign that they totally trust you and feel safe in your presence. You might notice your cat a few steps behind you (or under your feet!) all day....this is true cat love.

"Wherever you go, I'll be by your side!"

2) Purring and kneading

Does your cat purr when you pat them or when they sit with you? This means your cat is completely comfortable in your presence. And those little claws that dig in during a "massage" on your lap are also a sign of love and happiness. Your cat made this kneading action during kittenhood to help encourage milk production from their mother. So, in a way, you are a kind of a mother to your cat, and who do you love more than your mother? :-)

3) Slow-blinking and squinting

Relaxed cats blink their eyes gently and seem to squint at you. This is also a calming signal that says "don't be afraid, I'm chilled-out and you should be too!" An adorable thing to try at home is doing it BACK to your cat. If you want to put a cat at ease (this is definitely worth trying if you are a cat sitter with a new furry client), then slowly blink your own eyes at your cat. You might get a return slow-blink, or at the very least have a very chilled-out cat in your company. 

4) Head bunting and rubbing

The action of giving a head bump (also known as 'head bunting') or a head rub can have different meanings. When your cat does this, they leave their scent on the object or person they have made contact with. When your cat rubs an object using their mouth or cheek, this is a way of marking their territory using the scent glands in their face. But when your cat gives you solid bunt with the forehead, perhaps when you get home from work, they want to say: "Hello, you are my favorite person!"

5) Leaving you presents

Ah yes, there is nothing quite like being left with a dead cockroach or mouse as a present. You may not love this, but if a cat proudly leaves its prey for you to find, this is a great compliment to you! So clean up, but don't get cranky at your cat. It's all out of love :-)

Pay attention to your cat and you will discover many more signs of love and affection. How does your cat express your special bond? Do you have these experiences when you are cat sitting? We are curious about your stories! Comment below!