Hi I'm actually Korean! I have two dogs which are 10 and 12 years old. So I would say I have 12 years experience to care pets! Also my partner has a cat! So I know how to care cats and dogs!
I'm really energetic and sociable. And I have big responsibility to care them so I can care them carefully. Finally, my strongest ability is giving love!!! Please trust me! Moreover, I've just learned English .. but it doesn't matter for caring pets. Most important thing is responsibility and loving ! Definitey.. I have knowledge of pets...!!!! Thank you ! And I really want to spent time with your pets with huge responsibility. I can make your pets being happy . I promise you! Even though I can't speak well,.,,,, i can communicate with pets haha..! It's real I think.. oh and I usually do exercise so I'm stronger than you thought! I'll check everthing about your pets and i'll be a good pet sitter and be a good friend with your dog. Thank you