My love for pets is what sparked me to enter the wonderful world of pet sitting. I grew up with a household of furry friends! Many people thought my family was crazy for having so many pets! But I couldn't imagine my life without them. They bring so much joy and happiness to my family's life. Seeing their little faces everyday just puts a smile on my face. My family specially my mum she loves dog and so want to with them every single day. I promise you will wag your tail too when you will meet me in person. I have a big backward so your dog going to love each and every visit and if you want I can buy food for your furry friend after you will send me the picture of it. I hope I get the chance to meet and care for your furry friend.
About the house- I have a big house with a big backyard so the dog can play freely. I have uploaded some pictures too. Most of the time dog will be inside the house.